Monday 14 October 2013


24.   What is processing (P.259)
Processing is the changing of data from one form to another being generally input data to output information in which humans are able to use.

25.   Provide an overview of the CPU's function. Include an overview of the microprocessor and the co-processor (p. 259).
The CPU is a part of the computer in which processes and controls functions within the computer. CPU’s can be either a microprocessor or co-processor. A microprocessor refers to a system that uses only one silicon chip. Some devices that use only one silicon chip include cameras, phones and digital watches. Co-processor chips however are integrated circuits or multiple chips that assist the CPU with the processing tasks at hand. An example of a co-processor is a mathematics co-processor that formulates mathematical calculations.
26.   There are 5 key components of the CPU. Please describe them below (see p. 260, Table 8.6)
CPU components:
An electronic circuit capable of temporary storing binary digits.
Arithmetic logic unit
A digital circuit that performs integer and logical operations.
System clock
Represents a computers notion of the passing of time.
Control unit
A component in which directs and controls all operations of the processor.
Wires that transfer signals containing data between components of the computer or several.

27.   Include a picture of the CPU's components below. There is a diagram on p. 259 (Fig. 8.25) that you can use, or you can use a similar diagram that follows.


System clock
29.   Software is used to control robots. Identify 3 types of software that is used to control robots and give an overview of the software. Lego NXT can be one example, see
Lego Mindstorms NXT- Is a software package that enables a user to program and write instructions for the NXT brick in what tasks and steps to follow. E.g. Move forward and then turn right. The written code containing the steps in which the robot has to follow is then downloaded via USB or Bluetooth onto the brick in which then takes the input data and then performs the output tasks.
Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio- a Windows based platform that is purpose to achieve robot control and simulation. Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio provides a wide range of support application that makes it easy to develop robot code including a program model in which the user can follow in order to achieve successful robot control and simulation. The Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio uses a programming framework that can be used and applied to program a wide range of different robots.
OpenRDK- OpenRDK is a modular software framework that is focused on development of commercial robotic systems that has been targeted to many professional robotic companies in countries such as Italy and Spain. OpenRDK has been applied in many diverse applications with heterogeneous robots with very unique applications.

30. Provide an overview of a PLC

PLC, also known as a programmable logic controller is a digital computer used for automation of electromechanical processes. PLC’s are designed to perform multiple input and output arrangements with extended temperature ranges, immunity to electrical noise, and resistance to vibration and impact. Programs that control the PLC’s in which are operated by humans are stored in the non-volatile memory.

31. Give 3 examples of where PLC's can be used.

-Assembly lines
-Amusement rides

-Light fixtures

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