Monday 14 October 2013


1.       Using a table, compare and contrast (i.e. similarities and difference) i) Non-Adaptive Robots with ii) Adaptive Robots. Ensure you give some examples and include pictures of each (p. 247).
Non-Adaptive robots and Adaptive robots:
Examples of Non-Adaptive and Adaptive robots
-Both types of robots have ability to follow a set of instructions in accordance to a program in what tasks they have to perform.
- Both types are robots are reprogrammable in which means they can both receive a new alternative set of instructions to perform instead of its existing ones.
- Both types of robots are also programmed off human discretion. The program developed in which the robots follow is created by us.

-Non-adaptive robots use an open-loop system and do not use feedback to control their behaviour as opposed to adaptive robots that use a closed-loop system in which they do receive feedback from their system control.
-Adaptive robots follow’s a certain programme and make decisions based off its environment. Although non-adaptive robots take in a set off instructions but continues to do the task non-stop regardless of its environment.
-Adaptive robots are able to perform multiple outcomes in accordance to their environment, but non-adaptive robots can only perform one outcome or task at a time.
Examples of industrial and domestic robots
-Both types of robots are used for the same purpose, which in this case is for routine tasks e.g. Drilling, household alarms and vacuuming.
- Both robot types use a method of signal in which will turn on or off the electrical current powering the industrial or domestic robot.

-Industrial robots are classified under as being non-adaptive robots whereas domestic robots are adaptive robot types.
-Industrial robots need’s a means of instructions to carry out its tasks, whereas domestic robots have the ability to carry out their tasks automatically.
- Industrial robots use end effectors that are contained within the instructions the industrial robot is given. Domestic robots do not use end effectors as their tasks will be done automatically.

Industrial robots:
Car assembly robot
Domestic robots:

Remote vacuum cleaner
The machine undertook the job of transporting die castings from the GMC assembly line and then welded these parts on auto bodies, a dangerous task for workers, who might be poisoned by exhaust gas or have lose a limb if they were not careful. The original UNIMATE consisted of a large computer-like box, joined to another box and was connected to an arm, with systematic tasks stored in a drum memory.
2.       Again, using a table, compare and contrast Industrial Robots with Domestic Robots. Once again, ensure you include examples and pictures (p. 248)
Industrial robots and Domestic robots:
3.       Provide a detailed overview of one industrial robot.
The UNIMATE industrial robot:
The UNIMATE, famously known as the world’s first industrial robot that was put to practice, it was used in the General Motors Corporation General Assembly line at the Inland Fisher Guide Plant in Ewing Township, New Jersey. The UNIMATE was first created by a man named George Devol in the 1950’s who was the president of Devol Research and in charge of the world’s first robot manufacturing company called Unimation in which he worked alongside Joseph Engelberger at the time.

4.       Define Nanotechnology and Nanorobots.
Nanotechnology: A branch of engineering and the development of different types of miniature robots that are executed on the scale of less than 100 nanometres and used for tasks to explore areas of study that are of a molecular scale. An example of nanotechnology is phagocytes that are mini robotic cells that are aimed to protect the body from infections and maintain a healthy immune system.
Nanorobots: A very small self-propelled machine that is used in application and research of many fields such as for medicine, military and industrial purposes. Nanorobots are generally used for tasks that are of too small size for a human to see and visually work on.
5.       Do you think there is a place for Nanorobots? Please justify your answer with clear examples.
In my point of view, yes there is a place for Nanorobots as currently Nanorobots are being used in a number of different fields mainly medicine, military and industry as stated. Many technologies have been developed through the research in the nanotechnology field such as the creation of the atomic force and scanning tunneling electron microscopes allowing scientists to arrange atoms and alter element composition.
As a second example in industry, through the use of Nanorobots it has given us the ability to develop battery and solar cells in everyday personal computers and machines that we use today. Nanorobots as well with technology improving at a most rapid and dramatic rate, we as humans can expect many more ideal technologies being created in the near future that will benefit us to a significant amount such as atomic force microscopes and battery cells.
6.       If you could have a domestic robot built, what would it be and why. Ensure you justify your answer and provide an overview of the features this robot would have.
The idea of my own robot that I could build would be an everyday house robot servant. The reasons for this robot would be at home I currently always have to pick up my washing, do the dishes, clean my room and generally do jobs that relate to maintenance. With the development of my everyday household robot, it would allow me to stop wasting time on jobs I don’t want to do and be able to enjoy my time at home more by doing activities I enjoy such as watching TV, playing games etc.
Features this robot would include with it being in the shape of average human, it would have the ability to perform any chore/job given, the ability to take in a set of instructions given by its owner e.g. Me telling it to clean my room and pick up my washing, cook food and do tasks that very strenuous and require a lot of manpower.
7.       Based on your design above, see if you can create a replica of your robot by using an online robot design tool (I have included two below, i) Walkinator & ii) Robot 3). Once you have created a robot, ensure you include a print screen of it below, or if it can be animated, then include a giff file, or even use screen-o-matic to record the animation and place it below.

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